Friday, March 25, 2011

First week

Yea I have to admit something to you guys, I already starting jogging for a week now before I made this blog. It's been going great! Way better then I expected. I did some research and found a great scheme to start jogging and build up some stamina. I'm going to jog 3 times a week:

* Tuesday
* Thursday
* Sunday

So as I said the first 3 days went great! I have to jog for 1 minute and then walk for 1.5 minutes. Repeat that 8 times and then take a shower afterwards. I did have some muscle pain the day after I started. Walking to and inside the uni wasn't very great and I also didn't feel like jogging the day after that. But I put my mind to it and just went anyway. It felt great afterwards cause I knew I kinda accomplished something.
Sunday will be my last day of this schedule and on tuesday I will start the next week.

Peace out

Who am I and why this blog?

Heej guys and girls
So why did I create this blog you ask?
It was one of my new years resolution to start jogging in 2011. My dad always tried to convince me to start jogging. He wanted to do the cpc (city pier city) walk together, it's a marathon in my city. At new years eve I thought to myself well why not start on 2011 and now we are here. I will not be jogging with my dad for the time being. But I might start to after a while and when i'll get better.
The sun started shining again and I thought to myself well now is the perfect time to start. I know my motivation will drop after doing 2 or 3 times so that's why I started this blog. I will post my progression as I walk and hope you guys will keep me motivated.
A little bit about myself:
I'm 18 years old and I leave in the Netherlands. I'm going to college and have a job in the commercial business.