Friday, March 25, 2011

First week

Yea I have to admit something to you guys, I already starting jogging for a week now before I made this blog. It's been going great! Way better then I expected. I did some research and found a great scheme to start jogging and build up some stamina. I'm going to jog 3 times a week:

* Tuesday
* Thursday
* Sunday

So as I said the first 3 days went great! I have to jog for 1 minute and then walk for 1.5 minutes. Repeat that 8 times and then take a shower afterwards. I did have some muscle pain the day after I started. Walking to and inside the uni wasn't very great and I also didn't feel like jogging the day after that. But I put my mind to it and just went anyway. It felt great afterwards cause I knew I kinda accomplished something.
Sunday will be my last day of this schedule and on tuesday I will start the next week.

Peace out